Announcing PyDPainter 2.0.0 with Animation

PyDPainter 2.0 is out now! This release adds animation to its array of pixel-painting capabilities.

Here are some of the new features:


  • Load and save GIF and IFF ANIM5
  • Import and export a series of frames
  • Edit and copy per-frame color palettes
  • Easily edit per-frame animation rates
  • Animation toolbar with VCR controls

Additional Improvements

  • Import 24-bit and Amiga HAM images and convert to 256 colors
  • Amiga overscan screen support
  • Multicycle support for color cycling the colors in a custom brush
  • Many bugs fixed
  • Added a recovery mode (in case a bug isn't fixed yet)

Go to to download version 2.0.0 .

Also explore the new animation tutorial (thanks to Stephane Anquetil):


  1. Great work again, Mark! Thanks a lot for a the cool new features! Would a ready-to-go macOS version be possible?


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